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Two-Wheeler Market 2023. Contrasting Trends. Follow Market Trends 2023.

Autorenbild: JMZ-WorldJMZ-World

The total number of new registrations remains almost unchanged compared to 2022. One might call it a solid but rather unspectacular year. However, a closer look at the numbers reveals two trends that will be put to the test in 2024. Follow market trends 2023.

In 2023, a total of 216,649 motorcycles were newly registered in Germany, representing a minimal decrease of just 218 vehicles. Despite the nearly unchanged overall figure, there were significant movements in the combustion engine and electric vehicle segments.

Unlike in 2022, combustion engine vehicles emerged as the "winners," with an increase of 16,383 new registrations. However, this was not enough to fully offset the significant losses in the electric mobility sector, where new registrations dropped by 16,601 vehicles, a decrease of 52% compared to the previous year.

The main reason for this decline is the end of subsidies in this area, which had driven a significant surge in 2022, causing a certain distortion of the results. Consequently, this pure comparison of numbers should be taken with caution. Overall, the market remains optimistic, as demand in both segments continues to be at a good level.

This makes 2024 an exciting season, which will show which market trends and strategies from individual manufacturers will prevail.


Quelle: Matthies

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